Did I really eat this?
As mentioned in the previous blog ("Visiting Mahogany Bay: Wild Style"), our tour guides went out of their way to get us a must-have meal that includes their delicacy. Can you guess what it is?
IGUANA! Yes, that is right, we tried iguana, and not just any iguana, we had iguana stew. This iguana stew also came served on a plate with rice and beans and plantains (fried bananas). Some background history in regard to our dish, the blue iguana was the delicacy item for the Caribbean islands, however, over time blue iguanas have since then became an endangered species, so if you see a blue iguana, leave it alone. Therefore, they only eat green iguanas on their Caribbean dishes. Also, Iguanas are herbivores, meaning they eat plant-based foods such as leaves, fruits and lettuce. Now, if presented with the opportunity, some iguanas will feed on some meats.
With that being said, some people will say iguana taste like chicken.... I on the other hand, will have to disagree. The way they make iguana stew is simply by cooking everything together, including the bones of the iguana (so heads-up). It is cooked with a lot of great spices to make it a very flavorful dish and the meat is cooked to a nice juicy and tender perfection. It is good, but I would say it is more of an acquired taste for individuals who may be interested in trying it, compared to saying it taste like chicken. It does work well as a meal being paired with the rice and beans (which I love on all of my Caribbean dishes) and also the plantains (fried bananas - another acquired dish).
Overall, I would give this dish an 8/10, I wouldn't necessarily crave iguana, but I also wouldn't be opposed to ordering it either because it wasn't bad.